DDevExtensions 2.88

DDevExtensions extends the Delphi/C++Builder IDE by adding some new productivity features. You can find a full description of all features in the DDevExtensions Features.pdf in the download section.:


  • Disable Package Cache (default: off)
  • Disable Source Formatter hotkey (default: off)
  • Show project for active file in Project Manager (default: on)
  • Editor tab double click action (default: zoom)
  • Structure View Search (default: no hotkey)
  • Increment Build Number only when building the project (default: on) [2010 only]
  • Set TLabel.Margins.Bottom to zero (default: on)
  • Remove Explicit* properties (default: off)
  • Component Selector (default: off, no hotkey)
  • Disable “Source has been modified. Rebuild?” (default: on)
  • Auto-save editor files after successful compile (default: off)
  • Switch project to current file’s project (default: on)
  • Put “Last Compile” time into version info (default: off) [2009-XE]
  • Find Unit/Use Unit replacement dialog (default: on)
  • File Cleaner (default: on)
  • Compile Backup (default: on)
  • Loading package tweaks
  • Enhanced Key Bindings (default: on)
  • Old Component Palette (default: off) [2009-10.2]
  • Set Project Versioninfo dialog
  • Compile Progress improvements (progressbar, taskbar progress)
  • Replace “Package Add Unit” dialog with “File Open” dialog [2009 only]
  • Close and Kill the IDE
  • Replace Open File At Cursor (default: off)
  • Show all inheritable modules (default: off)
  • Don’t break when starting spawned processes (default: off)
  • Disable Code folding (default: off) [2009 only]
  • Kill all dexplore.exe when closing the IDE (default: on)
  • Show confirmation dialog for Ctrl+F1 while debugging (default: on)
  • Release compiler unit cache before compiling (default: off)
  • Improved reload changed files dialog
  • Local Start Parameters (default: off) [2009-XE]
  • Project Start Parameters (default: off)


  • Download the installation files
  • Extract the 7z file to a directory of your choice.
  • Execute the contained executable DDevExtensionsReg.exe.
  • Press the Install button.


Name IDE Version File Size Downloads Added
DDevExtensions 1.61 5-2007 DDevExtensions161Setup.zip 734.07 KB 20571 times 2009-01-10
DDevExtensions 2.8 Features PDF DDevExtensionsFeatures.pdf 602.92 KB 18419 times 2014-12-27
DDevExtensions 2.4 7, 2007 DDevExtensions24Setup7_2007.zip 535.41 KB 13431 times 2011-07-25
DDevExtensions 2.86 2009-10.3 DDevExtensions286.7z 1.24 MB 6399 times 2020-05-30
DDevExtensions 2.88 2009-10.4.2 DDevExtensions288.7z 1.3 MB 5838 times 2021-07-20

Source Code on GitHub


  • Version 2.88 (2021-07-20)
    • Added: Support for Delphi 10.4 Sydney
  • Version 2.86 (2020-05-30)
    • Improved: The FindUnit/UnitSelector Dialog filter is a lot faster (workaround for TListView performance issue)
  • Version 2.85 (2018-12-08)
    • Added: Support for Delphi 10.3 Rio
    • Added: Use Unit dialog option “Every unit on a single line”
    • Improved: UnitSelector Dialog in Delphi 2009 opens much faster
    • Fixed: Structure-View search dropdown had a max height of 2 items
  • Version 2.84 (2016-05-28, 2017-04-09)
    • Added: TAB key works like ENTER in the CodeInsight window.
    • Added: RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin support
    • Added: RAD Studio 10.2 support
  • Version 2.83 (2015-04-24, 2015-09-19)
    • Added: RAD Studio XE8, RAD Studio 10 Seattle support
  • Version 2.82 (2014-08-25)
    • Added: Disable Alpha-Sort Class Completion (Default off)
    • Fixed: XE6 broke “Switch to module project” dialog
  • Version 2.81 (2014-04-17)
    • Added: XE6 support
    • Fixed: Reload files dialog caused access violation in XE5. All “smart” logic removed.
  • Version 2.8 (2013-11-01)
    • Added: XE5 support
    • Fixed: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down didn’t work
    • Fixed: Fonts used in DDevExtensions dialogs were a mixture of MS Sans Serif and Tahoma on a per Control base
  • Version 2.7 (2013-06-06)
    • Added: Start Parameters ComboBox context menu to create and edit the *.params files.
    • Added: Reload file dialog replacement with diff-tool binding (one dialog for all modified files)
    • Added: Option to release compiler unit cache for all other projects when compiling a project
    • Added: Compile progress is shown in the Taskbar (Win 7+) with error and warning state
    • Added: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down moves the current line or block up/down
    • Added: Ctrl+Alt+PgUp invokes “Find Declaration”
    • Added: XE4 support
    • Improved: “Set VersionInfo” dialog
    • Improved: More greedy filename pattern matching for “Use Unit” dialog replacement
    • Fixed: Use Unit replacement dialog didn’t show units that were in paths with $(Platform)
    • Fixed: Code Parser couldn’t handle non-ASCII identifiers
    • Fixed: All DDevExtensions versions 2009+ were debug builds instead of a release builds (D2007: “Configuration=Release” vs. D2009+: “Config=Release”)
    • Fixed: “Open file at cursor” replacement path list didn’t use XE2+’s current project’s platform library and browsing paths
  • Version 2.6 (2012-07-28)
    • Added: Kill all Dexplore.exe when closing the IDE (default: active)
    • Added: Ctrl+F1 asks before invoking the context help if the debugger is active (default: active)
    • Added: UnitSelector/FileSelector saves the last used directory filter
    • Fixed: Replace “Open File At Cursor” opened the correct file but with a relative path that doesn’t match the current path
    • Fixed: UnitSelector/FileSelector didn’t load the column widths correctly
    • Fixed: UnitSelector/FileSelector prefered source files from reversed search path
    • Fixed: Option “Allow single line indention” was ignored
    • Improved: FileSelector performance
    • Removed: “Last compile time” version info (XE2). It doesn’t work anymore starting with XE2
  • Version 2.5 (2011-07-23)
    • Added: Delphi XE2 support
    • Added: Option to disable the Debugger breaking in when a spawned process is started
    • Improved: ComponentSelector, OldPalette slowed down the IDE start. Now if IDE Fix Pack is installed, they do not slow down the IDE start anymore.
    • Fixed: LastCompile time format was not saved into DDevExtensions’s config file.
  • Version 2.4 (2011-07-23)
    • Added: “Package Add Unit” dialog replaced by “File Open” dialog. (2007/2009)
    • Added: Inheritable modules from packages in the project group can be used in the active project (Option: Show all inhertiable modules)
    • Added: Keybinding for Shift-F3 to reverse the editor’s search direction. (2007/2009)
    • Added: Replacement for “Open File At Cursor” algorithm that allows to open files from other projects in the project group.
    • Improved: “Use/Search Unit” dialog now shows files from other projects in the group as source file if they compile into a directory that is in the active project’s search path.
    • Fixed: Compile ProgressBar only worked in Delphi 2010 and XE.
    • Fixed: StructureView search hotkey threw “Cannot focus invisible control” if the structure view wasn’t visible.
  • Version 2.3 (2011-02-04)
    • Fixed: Use Unit didn’t work if the file in the editor had a dot in the name.
    • Fixed: Fixed: Compile progress didn’t work if you used projects dependencies.
    • Fixed: Editor Zoom/SuperZoom are now handled by the original Delphi 2007 code. (Delphi 2007 only)
    • Fixed: Set Versioninfo dialog didn’t apply “File Version” changes (Delphi 2007 only)
  • Version 2.2.1 (2011-01-25)
    • Fixed: “Use unit” dialog sometimes deleted chars from the source if the shift-key was used.
  • Version 2.2 (2011-01-24)
    • Added: Delphi 7 and 2007 support
    • Added: “Use Units” dialog can move units from implementation to interface.
    • Added: Ctrl+Up/Down move ProjectManager projects to build sooner/later (RAD Studio 2007, 2009)
    • Improved: The “Use/Search Units” dialog now underlines implementation-uses units in addition to the bold weight.
    • Improved: The “Use/Search Units” dialog is now a lot faster.
    • Fixed: Using SetVersionInfo after switching the Build Configuration overwrote some project options (RAD Studio 2007).
    • Fixed: Team Start parameters used ANSI instead of UTF8 encoding for dproj/cproj files.
    • Fixed: Access Violation when there is no active project even if there are projects
    • Fixed: EListError in FileSelector
    • Fixed: The uses-parser could not handle unit names with dots like “Generics.Collections”.
    • Fixed: Treat warnings as errors didn’t work correctly.
    • Fixed: StructureView Search didn’t find sub components like TField.
  • Version 2.1 (2010-09-12)
    • Added: Embarcadero RAD Studio XE support
    • Added: Set VersionInfo dialog can now change the main icon
    • Fixed: Team Start parameters used ANSI instead of UTF8 encoding for dproj/cproj files.
    • Fixed: Access Violation when there is no active project even if there are projects (IDE bug?)
    • Fixed: EListError in FileSelector
  • Version 2.0 (2009-09-13)
    • Added: Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 support
    • Added: Editor tab double click action (zoom, super-zoom)
    • Added: Source Formatter hotkey (Ctrl+D) can be disabled
    • Added: TAB key indention in single line didn’t overwrite the selection anymore
    • Added: Shows “Switch Active Project” dialog if current editor file is not part of the project that should be compiled
    • Added: Structure View Search
    • Added: Selected file in project manager shows the project to which it belongs
    • Added: Option for “Increment Build Number only when building the project”
    • Added: Find Unit/Use Unit dialog has an additional “selected list” for multi selection
    • Improved: “Source code changed. Rebuild?” disabler is rewritten
    • Removed: UnitSelector removed (superseded by RAD Studio 2010), “Find Unit” and “Use Unit” dialog are still available
  • Version 1.61 (2009-01-10)
    • Bugfix back-ports from 1.9.2 to 1.61 for Delphi/BCB 5-2007
  • Version 1.9.2 (2008-11-20)
    • Fixed: Find Unit didn’t work correctly for relative search/browsing paths
    • Fixed: Use Unit dialog inserted the selected unit at the wrong position if there were multi-byte chars in the editor
  • Version 1.9.1(2008-10-02)
    • Fixed: “Use unit” dialog: “Generics.Collections” was added to the uses list as “Collections”
    • Fixed: ProjectSettings feature is now removed completely
    • Added: “Set Versioninfo” allows to change CompanyName and LegalCopyright
    • Added: ComponentSelector is back but disabled by default
  • Version 1.9 (2008-09-27)
    • Added: Support for Delphi 2009
    • Added: Compiler-Dialog: AutoSave after successful compile (default: off)
    • Added: OldPalette: AlphaSort option for the palette popup menu
    • Added: OldPalette supports “Small Fonts” for the tab font
    • Added: “Close all and terminate” by keeping the CTRL key pressed while closing the IDE (from DelphiSpeedUp)
    • Added: Disable package cache option (from DelphiSpeedUp)
    • Added: Shows waiting cursor while loading designtime package (from DelphiSpeedUp)
    • Added: Option to enable the IDE’s “User can cancel kibitzing” feature [CodeCompletion and HelpInsight can be aborted by ESC/mouse move]
    • Added: The “Add to implementation” checkbox in the “Use Unit” Dialog can be switch by pressing the SHIFT-key
    • Renabled: Editor Focus bugfix (bug still exists)
    • Removed: Delphi 5-2007 support
    • Removed: ComponentSelector (superseded by Delphi’s ToolPalette search edit)
    • Removed: CompilerEnhancements (superseded by the new project warning options)
    • Removed: FormDesigner Alt key disables guide lines (superseded by Delphi 2009’s implementation)
  • Version 1.6(2008-07-19)
    • Fixed: Smart TABs didn’t work.
    • Fixed: Unit Selection dialog now preselects the opened file, again.
    • Fixed: DDevExtensions failed to load correctly if some IDE packages were disabled (DelphiSettingManager).
    • Fixed: If the Team-Parameter feature was active, saving a ProjectGroups caused an access violation.
    • Added: Extended Ctrl+Left/Right (VisualStudio compatible) disabled by default.
  • Version 1.5(2008-04-19)
    • Fixed: Keybinding options were not saved.
    • Fixed: TAB Key sometimes stopped working.
    • Added: Extended “Use Unit…” dialog.
    • Added: “Find Unit-File…” dialog in the search menu (Delphi and Delphi.NET only).
    • Added: Explicit* property remover (Delphi 2006 and newer).
    • Added: Start Parameter Team: Start parameters are not saved to the dof/dproj project file.
    • Added: Single line tab-indention is now optional and disabled by default.
  • Version 1.4 (2008-02-24)
    • Added: Pressing the ALT-key while moving controls around now disables the VCL designer guide lines alignment (BDS 2006 or higher).
    • Added: KeyBindings: TAB and Shift-TAB indent the selected block. HOME jumps to the first non-whitespace in the line if the current position is the first column.
    • Added: TLabel.Margins.Bottom now defaults to zero what allows to place the labels much easier to their describing control.
    • Added: Compile progress dialog shows how long the compilation took.
    • Added: RAD Studio 2007 support
    • Changed: The OldPalette is now a toolbar with a multiline TabControl. It also build the component palette much faster
    • Changed: ComponentSelector shows also the registered components if then Code-Editor is active (Delphi 5-7 only)
    • Removed: Second TabBar is not available anymore
    • Removed: UCS4 supprt for the Delphi compiler
    • Fixed: “(search component)” text was painted with an opaque background.
    • Fixed: Renaming project file caused an exception.
    • Fixed: The build-“Apply to all” button in the version information editor overwrote the build number with the release number.
    • Fixed: Set Versioninfo’s “Days between” button hadn’t worked in the evening.
    • Fixed: TLabel.Margins.Bottom was always written to DFM
  • Version 1.3 (2006-09-13)
    • Project Configurations
    • Fixed: In BDS C++ personality it was not possible to use the “Set VersionInfo” dialog.
    • Fixed: Empty .dex files for projects are deleted when the project is saved.
    • Fixed: Changing version info could cause access violations under Delphi/BCB 5, 6 and 7.
    • ComponentSelector
    • Added: When the code editor is active the component list is replaced by “File/New” items and inheritable modules. (also for Delphi/BCB 5, 6 and 7)
    • Added: RETURN key now emulates a double click on the palette item.
    • FileCleaner
    • Fixed: empty __history and Model directories were not always deleted.
    • UnitSelector
    • Fixed: Rewritten with a much faster and cleaner code
    • Added: current unit/form is selected by default
    • UCS4 support for Delphi source files
    • Added: The new feature enables the Delphi.Win32 IDE compiler to compile UCS4 files. (moved from bcc32pch to DDevExtensions); default: off
    • OldPalette (Delphi 2005/BDS 2006 only)
    • Added: This new features brings the old component palette back to the BDS IDE.
  • Version 1.2 (2006-07-25)
    • General
    • Added: “Tools/DDevExtensions Options…” menu item
    • UnitSelector
    • Added: The new feature UnitSelector replaces the three dialogs “Use Units”, “View Units” and “View Forms” by a more advanced one that also has an Excel export button.
    • CompileBackup
    • Added: The new feature CompileBackup makes a backup of all unsaved files when you compile a project. The backuped files are automatically deleted when you save the files. When the debugger crashes and kills the IDE, you still have the unsaved files. They have the extra file extension .cbk
    • FileCleaner
    • Added: The new feature FileCleaner deletes .ddp files and empty _history and Model directories.
    • Project Configurations
    • Fixed: Delphi keeps a second copy of the version info and overwrites the modified when “auto increment version number” is active.
    • Fixed: Removed debug code (console window)
    • Added: “Build” number can be applied to all projects
    • Added: “Days between” calculator that returns the number of days since the project file was created or a user defined date.
    • Added: Increment Versioninfo page
    • Added: “Set Versioninfo…” menu item, former way through “Manage configurations” is still available
    • ComponentSelector
    • Added: Optional Hotkey
    • Added: The height of the popup list is now adjusted depending on the number of listed components
  • Version 1.1 (2006-07-19)
    • ComponentSelector
    • Added: “Simple search” mode (AnsiStartsText)
    • Added: sort by palette name (default)
    • Added: Prevention for multiple RegisterComponents calls for one component
    • Added: Delphi 2005 and BDS 2006 support for all personalities
    • Added: Improved auto selection
    • Project Configurations
    • Added: New feature
    • CompilerProgress
    • Added: New feature
    • General
    • Added: Fixes the ALT+F12 form/text view bug
    • Added: Fixes the editor focus bug after a desktop state change. (Sets the focus back to the editor)
  • Version 1.0 (2006-07-06)
    • Split DelphiSpeedUp 1.92 into DelphiSpeedUp 1.95 and DDevExtensions 1.0