IDE Fix Pack for RAD Studio 2006/2007 is discontinued.
The IDE Fix Pack installs is a DLL-Expert that fixes the following RAD Studio 2007 bugs at runtime. All changes are done in memory. No file on disk is modified.
- QC #29732: Class Completion adds published section
- Call stack with IInterface parameters are resolved much faster
- Optimization: LoadResString cache
- Undo destroyed editor buffer
- 64 bit Debugger assertion (see hotfix from Embarcadero)
- QC #47807: Error insight fails to find TObject class
- Possible deadlock when Error Insight calls ProcessMessages
- QC #37462: IDE may select the wrong file when performing a ctrl + left-click on a filename in the editor
- QC #22880: Cannot resolve unit name
- QC #58045: Component captions and component icons disappear from form designer
- QC #75738: Debugging extremly slow
- QC #50278: IDE Compiler opens all files in ReadWrite mode and blocks command line compiler
- QC #55910: TDBText.Color always reverts to Parent.Color
- Sometimes the IDE has two taskbar buttons
- Background Parser blocked the main thread
- Find dialog has problems with upper/lower case Umlaut characters
- QC #68493: Switching away and back to Delphi orphans focus on Code Editor
- QC #68647: Infinite loop in Forms.GetNonToolWindowPopupParent
- QC #68740: Lost focus after TOpenDialog when MainFormOnTaskBar is set
- QC #59963: Closing non-modal forms after a task switch can deactivate the application
- Control resize bugfix for kernel stack overflow due to WH_CALLWNDPROC hook
- QC #59654: TActionList access already released FActions field
- QC #54286 : Parent-PopupMenu overrides standard context menu (edit, memo, combobox, …)
- QC #50097: ObjAuto access violation on XEON (Data Execution Prevention bug)
- QC #58938: MainForm Minimize minimizes in the background
- QC #64484: SysUtils.Abort can raise an AccessViolation
- QC #58939: No taskbar button when starting from ShellLink with Show=Minimized
- QC #56252: TPageControl flickers a lot with active theming
- QC #68730: TLabel is not painted on a themed, double-buffered TTabSheet in Vista
- QC #74646: Buffer overflow in TCustomClientDataSet.DataConvert with ftWideString
- QC #88038: Delphi always maximizes itself on taskbar change
- QC #89148: TListView ItemData streaming error
1. Start IDEFixPackReg.exe under your user account
2. Select the IDE registry keys for which you want to install the bugfix
3. Press the “Install” button
1. Start IDEFixPackReg.exe under your user account
2. Press the “Uninstall” button. This will uninstall the bugfix for all (not only the selected) IDE registry keys.
Name | IDE Version | File | Size | Downloads | Added |
IDE Fix Pack XE2 4.5 | XE2 UP2 only | | 125.47 KB | 5045 times | 2011-11-02 |
IDE Fix Pack XE2 4.6.6 | XE2 UP3 only | | 152.4 KB | 6265 times | 2012-01-04 |
IDE Fix Pack 2007 4.4 Windows 10 Edition | 2007 Dec.Update | IDEFixPack2007Reg44Win10.7z | 88.51 KB | 20301 times | 2015-08-04 |
Changelog from 4.3 to 4.4 (2011-08-28)
- Added: Directory cache for $(WINDIR)\Globalization file search on IDE start
Changelog from 4.2 to 4.3 (2011-08-20)
- Added fix for: QC #40945: Right Alt key causes expection error in Vista
- Added fix for: Welcome page problems with “Save Desktop”
- Improved: .NET XMLSerializer’s CreateProcess call is now cached without the need to call CreateProcess.
Changelog from 4.1 to 4.2 (2011-06-20)
- Added: Prevent IDE deadlocks
- Added: HelpInsight parsing is done in the background when moving the mouse over an identifier
- Added: Much improved IDE startup performance
- Added: Some old Debugger C-RTL functions are replaced by much faster versions
- Removed: No search for non-existing $(WINDIR)\Globalization files on IDE start (caused problems)
Changelog from 4.0 to 4.1 (2011-04-22)
- Added: IDE start disk I/O optimizations
- Added: No search for non-existing $(WINDIR)\Globalization files on IDE start
Changelog from 3.5 to 4.0 (2011-04-18)
- Added: Structure View updates in the main thread are now faster
- Added: Another Error Insight “Cannot resolve unit” fix
- Added fix for: QC #88038: Delphi always maximizes itself on taskbar change
- Added fix for: QC #89148: TListView ItemData streaming error
- Fixed: The Editor Focus fix caused the IDE’s menu bar to shrink if “Minimize on start” is set
- Removed: “Call stack with IInterface parameters are resolved much faster” is now in DelphiSpeedUp
Changelog from 3.0 to 3.5 (2010-03-12)
- Added fix for: QC #29732: Class Completion adds published section
- Added: Call stack with IInterface parameters are resolved much faster
- Optimization: LoadResString cache
Changelog from 2.9 to 3.0 (2010-03-15)
- Added fix for: QC #80822: ObjectInspecor: Properties are duplicated after scrolling
- Added fix for: QC #80776: ObjectInspector shows “EditControl” instead of the real content
- Added fix for: QC #79776: Clicking on object Inspector rejects focus
Changelog from 2.8 to 2.9 (2009-12-22)
- Added fix for: QC #75738: Debugging extremly slow
- Added fix for: QC #68493: Switching away and back to Delphi orphans focus on Code Editor
Changelog from 2.7 to 2.8 (2009-12-05)
- Added fix for: Vista compatible main icon resource doesn’t work
Changelog from 2.5 to 2.7:
- Added fix for: 64 bit Debugger assertion
- Added fix for: Undo destroyed editor buffer
- Added fix for: Vista 64 IDE startup delay
- Added: QC #74646: Buffer overflow in TCustomClientDataSet.DataConvert with ftWideString
- Fixed: TTabSheet looked stange if used with SilverThemes
Changelog from 2.4 to 2.5:
- Fixed: The AppDeActivateZOrder patch now fixes the cause instead of the symptoms
- Added fix for: Error Insight fails to find TObject class
- Added fix for: Possible deadlock when Error Insight calls ProcessMessages
Changelog from 2.3 to 2.4:
- Added: Fix for IDE may select the wrong file when performing a ctrl+click on a filename in the editor
Changelog from 2.2 to 2.3:
- Added: Fix for “Cannot resolve unit name” ErrorInsight bug.
Changelog from 2.1 to 2.2:
- Fixed: C++Builder compilation slow down caused by the ReadWrite mode fix
- Fixed: DBGrid ScrollBar gab wasn’t painted correctly in BiDiMode <> bdLeftToRight
- Fixed: TTabSheet could throw an access violation if no PageControl was assigned to it
2011-06-20 (4.2):
– Added: Prevent IDE deadlocks
– Added: HelpInsight parsering is done in the background when moving the mouse over an identifier
– Added: Much improved IDE startup performance
– Added: Some old Debugger C-RTL functions are replaced by much faster versions
– Removed: No search for non-existing $(WINDIR)\Globalization files on IDE start (caused problems)