DFMCheck 1.4 released

By | January 18, 2009

I have uploaded the new DFMCheck version 1.4.

This version fixes a bug in the installer that didn’t detect Delphi 2009 if there was no other Delphi version installed. But the most important change is that the “Open and close all forms” feature now asks you to save the modified files.

6 thoughts on “DFMCheck 1.4 released

  1. Dusan Majkic

    Can this be expanded to also check for TSQLConnection.Connected = True in *.dfm?

    Great work.

  2. AnatoLoy

    DfmCheck is cool! 🙂
    But… 🙂
    DfmCheck not check changes of class types. For example:
    parent dfm has “object Label1: TLabel”, and child dfm has “inherited Label1: TAdvancedLabel” 🙁

    1. Andreas Hausladen Post author

      I could add this function to DFMCheck, but it wouldn’t work if TAdvancedLabel is inherited from TLabel. This is because the compiler has no syntax construct to check for the exact class type. I can only use the is-operator to generate a compile error if the class is derived from a different class.

  3. Ulrich Gerhardt

    Thanks a lot for this tool! I just installed it and had two issues. (1) I can’t find anything like “DFM Check Option…” in the Tools menu. Do you have any idea what could have gone wrong? (2) The check tool complains if a component has a name in the *.dfm but no corresponding variable in the *.pas. For an example try to check the RichEdit project from the VCL demos.

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