bcc32pch 3.0 Beta 5 is available

By | July 19, 2009

Lately I didn’t have much time to work on my IDE plugins. One reason was that I had to adjust my RoboCup Junior Soccer management tool to the new international rules and then I was at the RoboCup World Cup 2009 in Graz, Austria and helped the organizers. After that I needed one week off to regain energy for my daily work.  But now I’m back and I’ve started working on my plugins again. I’ve fixed all outstanding bugs from the Beta 4 version and I hope that I can release the final version in some weeks.

The command line tool bcc32ide.exe and the DLL bcc32idec.dll are still compiled with Delphi 2007 because the compiler itself uses Utf8 and converting those modules to unicode doesn’t make sense if they only operate on ANSI/UTF8 strings. But the IDE plugin is a “native” unicode module.

Download for C++Builder 2009 only:


C++Builder 2007 (or older) users can use a snapshot from August 2008 which contains many fixes that are only available in the 2009 version.

The range check error is now fixed and the download has been replaced by BETA 6.

20 thoughts on “bcc32pch 3.0 Beta 5 is available

  1. Eike Petersen

    Thanks a bundle! To everyone else: Don’t forget Andy’s page has a “Donate”-button now.

  2. Moritz Beutel

    Thanks, but it seems to have some issues. My first attempt to build a project with F9 resulted in a range checking error with the following stack trace:
    [07E1896E]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} INITWIZARD0001 + $1336E
    [500041D2]{rtl120.bpl } System.ErrorAt (Line 4057, “System.pas” + 3) + $4
    [07E1896E]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} INITWIZARD0001 + $1336E
    [07E18C2A]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} INITWIZARD0001 + $1362A
    [07DFC7AE]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} IncrementBuildVersion + $3E96
    [07E03DA5]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} IncrementBuildVersion + $B48D
    [07E0395F]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} IncrementBuildVersion + $B047
    [07E0540E]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} IncrementBuildVersion + $CAF6
    [07E119BF]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} INITWIZARD0001 + $C3BF
    [21FD7AA6]{bcbide120.bpl} CppReg.CompileProject (Line 1503, “CppReg.pas” + 45) + $1B
    [21FBC2B8]{bcbide120.bpl} CppMgr.TCppProjectUpdater.CompileProject (Line 6438, “CppMgr.pas” + 2) + $1C
    [2067D38D]{coreide120.bpl} ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileContainer (Line 809, “ProjectGroup.pas” + 62) + $14
    [2067D258]{coreide120.bpl} ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileContainer (Line 785, “ProjectGroup.pas” + 38) + $11
    [2067CBFC]{coreide120.bpl} ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileActive (Line 645, “ProjectGroup.pas” + 1) + $B
    [20683BCD]{coreide120.bpl} ProjectGroup.TProjectGroupWrapper.CompileActive (Line 2610, “ProjectGroup.pas” + 0) + $5
    [00419206]{bds.exe } bds.bds (Line 198, “” + 8) + $381B
    [00418973]{bds.exe } bds.bds (Line 198, “” + 8) + $2F88
    [07E04505]{bcc32pchPlugin2009.dll} IncrementBuildVersion + $BBED
    [500584EB]{rtl120.bpl } Classes.TBasicAction.Execute (Line 12201, “Classes.pas” + 3) + $7

  3. Andreas Hausladen Post author

    Stupid me. I have changed the label but not the link from Beta 5 to Beta 6. Now the link is also updated.

  4. PF

    Thank you very, very, very much for all the work that you had to come up with such improvements.
    I guess paypal will do to express some of my gratitude 🙂

  5. Andreas Hausladen Post author

    > Don’t forget Andy’s page has a “Donate”-button now

    Which is only there because some people begged me to add one. So there is no need to press it if you don’t want to.

    Thanks to all who have donated, what isn’t a requirement to use any of my tools.

  6. Pacman

    Download for Delphi 2009 only:



  7. Eike Petersen

    Well. Actually it’s for C++ Builder 2009. But the IDEs are more or less the same 🙂

  8. S Kirmani

    Andy’s tools are great and have helped speed up our development cycle considerably. Thanks Andy.

  9. Meister Floh

    After install this patch, if i press F9 (Run) – i receive so many errors in compiler, and linker. After deinstall patch i havn’t anyone.. Vista 32, rad 12.0.3420.21218, i programming in c++

  10. Meister Floh

    In the linking error: don’t find 2 res files with unreadable names.. But.. If I build project pushing Shift-F9, and after that press F9 all working ok!. The Error of compiler posting here after a while..

  11. Meister Floh

    So, I think that have sence write all history about this patch.. Dtfore that i’m sory for my very bad enlish, i’m Ukrainian. At the first time i install patch, and take problem, wich written above. I think, that rad studio crashed after experiment with install and uninstal different components and experts.. Me uninstall studio, clear the system like written here – http://support.codegear.com/ru/article/39426 and after that install it again. When i install studio i’m install patch on “clear” studio – i recive similar problem. Uninstall patch – all right. And now i’m afraid install it (patch) again because this might force me to reinstall studio again..

  12. Andreas Hausladen Post author

    My patches and IDE plugins are not invasive. They register themself to HKCU\Software\CodeGear\BDS\6.0\Experts. Removing the registry entry from there disabled the patch/plugin.

    Do you use only the IDE generated resource files (*.dfm, projectname.res) or have you added own resource files to the project?

  13. Meister Floh

    No.. I dont add any res file to my project.. At first i catch this trouble at my big project.. After that I create “Hello world!” project and trouble take place in it..

  14. Andreas Hausladen Post author

    Can you send me this Hallo world application? Maybe I can reproduce this bug with it.
    Email address can be reached by clicking on the “Andreas Hausladen” at the bottom of this page.

  15. Meister Floh

    So, I think that I understood the trouble.. When I saw this errors –
    “[Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Strhlpr::UnicodeFree(System::UnicodeString&)’ referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\CODEGEAR\RAD STUDIO\6.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|ustring
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘Typinfo::BooleanIdents’ referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\CODEGEAR\RAD STUDIO\6.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|vclinit
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Strhlpr::UnicodeFromPChar(System::UnicodeString&, char *)’ referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\CODEGEAR\RAD STUDIO\6.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|ustring
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘Typinfo::DotSep’ referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\CODEGEAR\RAD STUDIO\6.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|vclinit
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Strhlpr::UnicodeAssign(System::UnicodeString&, System::UnicodeString&)’ referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\CODEGEAR\RAD STUDIO\6.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|ustring
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Sysutils::Exception::~Exception()’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\PROJECT2.OBJ
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Forms::TApplication::Initialize()’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\PROJECT2.OBJ
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Forms::TApplication::SetMainFormOnTaskBar(const bool)’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\PROJECT2.OBJ
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__tpdsc__ Forms::TForm’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\UNIT2.OBJ
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘Forms::TForm::’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\UNIT2.OBJ
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Classes::TComponent::SafeCallException(System::TObject *, void *)’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\UNIT2.OBJ
    [Linker Error] Unresolved external ‘__fastcall Forms::TCustomForm::AfterConstruction()’ referenced from E:\╨Я╨а╨Ю╨У╨а╨Р╨Ь╨Ь╨Ш╨а╨Ю╨Т╨Р╨Э╨Ш╨Х\12 (╨в╨Х╨б╨в╨л)\1\DEBUG\UNIT2.OBJ”
    and so on.. I understood, that linker dont understant foldernames, that have non-english letters…

  16. Meister Floh

    Yes.. I re-save project in folder named with only english letters – all working. In folder that contain russian (non-english) letter we receive –
    “[Linker Error] Unable to open file ‘сжФ.RES’
    [Linker Error] Unable to open file ‘щлО.RES'”
    But I wanna draw your attantion on that: if build project from right-mouse in project group->build configuration->debug all working…

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