JVCL svn head is now working again

By | January 7, 2010

The JVCL package name change is now finished. All packages have new names following the name schema: JvXXXX.dpk for run-time packages and JvXXXXDesign.dpk for design-time packages. The BPLs have the $LIBSUFFIX C60, D60, 70, 90, 100, 110, 120 and 140 depending on the IDE version.

And because installing the new JVCL head revision would leave lots of old files, the installer got a new feature. It now cleans all of its output directories (bpl, dcp, dcu, hpp) from files that aren’t generated for the Delphi/C++Builder version and the current JVCL settings.

For example if you still have the old package BPL\JvCtrlsD7R.bpl, DCP\JvCtrlsD7R.dcp and lib\d7\JvCtrlsD7R.dcu and you start the installer it will delete those 3 files because they aren’t part of the JVCL installation anymore. The package is now called JvControls.dpk.

Another example is if you deselect a package on the package selection page, e.g. JvGlobus. This package and all its units aren’t part of the installation anymore and if you press “Install” the package and all the Jvg*.dcu units are deleted.