Code Insight could work despite errors in the code

By | November 1, 2010

Code Insight shouldn’t choke if there are some errors in the code. I much more prefer an incomplete identifier list than not having any Code Insight help. And after Code Insight didn’t work, it does a full reparse of the code and runs into the same code errors again.

This video shows what the upcoming IDEFixPack can do to make Code Insight work more often.

13 thoughts on “Code Insight could work despite errors in the code

  1. Roddy

    Cool. Would be awesome if this works for the C++Builder personality too?

  2. Kibab

    Will this big improvements for Code Insight work with D2009 too?

    One question more, are you working at Emabarcadero/CodeGear/…, if not, then when you will or why not? 😉
    If you are able to fix/improve such many things without ‘code’ (IDE Fix Pack/SpeedUp), the next question is how would you able to improve it with code! 🙂

    1. Andreas Hausladen Post author

      The patch is compatible with Delphi 2009. And maybe Delphi 2007 and if I’m really bored I could have a look at Delphi 7. But before working on D2007/7 I would like to make it compatible with Delphi XE.
      As Nick Hodges said in a pod cast some time ago, I’m not a complete outsider. (But I don’t work for Embt).

      1. ahmoy

        emmm… then they should pay you salary for your efforts.

      2. Fabricio

        Agreed with ahmoy. Your contributions to the Delphi community are so much valuable!!

  3. fabio vitale

    Hi Andreas,
    I hope you will be bored very soon 😉 since I’m a one man shop with only D7….

    This would be very very very appreciated by all other D7 developers here.

    Thank you vary much anyway.

    fabio vitale

    1. Andreas Hausladen Post author

      Delphi 7 and Delphi 2007 support is already finished. For Delphi 7 I lost only one function optimization because I couldn’t find its byte sequence. Maybe that function doesn’t exist.

      1. alexbox

        Awesome … really awesome !
        Please , please … have a small look to Delphi 6 ! With my big project Code Insight is completely unusable.
        Thank you very much anyway

          1. alexbox

            I was afraid to hear this answer.
            Now I have a real good reason to upgrade my project to D2007.
            Thank you very much anyway

      2. fabio vitale

        This is great!!!

        I’ll patiently wait until the final version for D7

        A very big Thank you!

        fabio vitale

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