IDE Fix Pack 4.6.1 – bugfix release

By | December 27, 2011

IDE Fix Pack 4.6.1 fixes two bugs. The directory cache wasn’t able to find files if CodeInsight was invoke in the uses-clause. This is caused by the IDE that forgets to change the current directory to the editor file’s project directory when it calls into the compiler. For the original compiler code this wasn’t a problem because it not only looks for the files in the relative paths but also in the absolute paths that it got from resolving the relatives paths when it was initialized. My directory  cache on the other side finds the files with their relative paths in the cache and tells the compiler that it found the file, even if the current directory is wrong for the relative path.
To solve this bug I not only made the directory cache aware of SetCurrentDirectory calls but also fixed the IDE’s bug, which now sets the correct current directory before calling the compiler.

The other bug that this version fixes is an access violation that can occur when invoking CodeInsight after a successful compilation. The compiler seems to sometimes keep a reference to a memory block that it returned to the memory manager and that my “Release unused compiler memory” patch gave back to the OS.


Name IDE Version File Size Downloads Added
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 2009 (UP4) IDEFixPack2009Reg64.2.7z 242.75 KB 5757 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 2010 (UP5) IDEFixPack2010Reg64.2.7z 237.09 KB 6564 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE (UP1) IDEFixPackXEReg64.2.7z 221.38 KB 4084 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE2 (UP4+HF1) IDEFixPackXE2Reg64.2.7z 316.78 KB 4500 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE3 (UP2) IDEFixPackXE3Reg64.2.7z 257.4 KB 3626 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE4 (UP1) IDEFixPackXE4Reg64.2.7z 260.1 KB 3241 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE5 (UP2) IDEFixPackXE5Reg64.2.7z 257.7 KB 3735 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE6 (UP1) IDEFixPackXE6Reg64.2.7z 423 KB 3427 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE7 (UP1) IDEFixPackXE7Reg64.2.7z 429.48 KB 4594 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 XE8 (UP1) IDEFixPackXE8Reg64.2.7z 431.7 KB 3875 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 10 Seattle (RTM/UP1) IDEFixPackD10Reg64.2.7z 428.33 KB 5364 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 10.1 Berlin IDEFixPackD101Reg64.2.7z 430.65 KB 5949 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.2 10.2 (RTM/UP1/2/3) IDEFixPackD102Reg64.2.7z 426.27 KB 9409 times 2019-03-23
IDE Fix Pack 6.4.4 10.3 (RTM/UP1/2/3) IDEFixPackD103Reg64.4.7z 444.98 KB 17832 times 2019-08-01

Changelog from 4.6 to 4.6.1 (2011-12-27)

  • Fixed: Directory cache didn’t find files if CodeInsight was invoked in a uses-clause
  • Fixed: Possible access violation during unit clean up

7 thoughts on “IDE Fix Pack 4.6.1 – bugfix release

  1. Pingback: IDE Fix Pack 4.6.1 | Delphi 2010 ru

  2. cholif

    Fixed: Possible access violation during unit clean up

    that’s what im looking for.

  3. Rafael Costa


    There is a little problem with bug fixes in 4.6.1. If i had a code like that.

    program Project1.Sufix;

    Unit1 in ‘Unit1.pas’ {Form1};

    {$R *.res}

    Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
    Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);

    Error: Unit1.dcu not found.

  4. fabio

    The only available download for 4.6.1 is: IDE Fix Pack 2007 4.4
    Why the other version are not available?

    1. Andreas Hausladen Post author

      Version 4.4 is version 4.4 and not 4.6.1. I stopped supporting Delphi 2007 and so it will stay at version 4.4 forever.
      I have removed the 4.6.1 due to a bug that I introduced when fixing the directory cache and I will upload a 4.6.5 in some minutes/an hour.

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