DDevExtensions and DFMCheck for 10.1 Berlin

By | May 29, 2016

The DDevExtensions and the DFMCheck IDE plugins are now available for 10.1 Berlin.


Name IDE Version File Size Downloads Added
DDevExtensions 1.61 5-2007 DDevExtensions161Setup.zip 734.07 KB 20325 times 2009-01-10
DDevExtensions 2.8 Features PDF DDevExtensionsFeatures.pdf 602.92 KB 18200 times 2014-12-27
DDevExtensions 2.4 7, 2007 DDevExtensions24Setup7_2007.zip 535.41 KB 13273 times 2011-07-25
DDevExtensions 2.86 2009-10.3 DDevExtensions286.7z 1.24 MB 6168 times 2020-05-30
DDevExtensions 2.88 2009-10.4.2 DDevExtensions288.7z 1.3 MB 5531 times 2021-07-20
Name IDE Version File Size Downloads Added
DFMCheck 1.6 5-10.3 DfmCheckSetup16.7z 717.43 KB 3090 times 2018-12-08

DDevExtensions Changelog:

  • Version 2.84 (2016-05-28)
    • Added: TAB key works like ENTER in the CodeInsight window.
    • Added: 10.1 Berlin support

2 thoughts on “DDevExtensions and DFMCheck for 10.1 Berlin

  1. Bruce McGee

    Possibly 2016-05-28 instead of 2016-08-28? 🙂

  2. Maarten

    Thank you for the update. Delphi is just not complete without DDevExtensions. Didn’t know I relied that much on things like the improved use unit dialog, until I missed it after upgrading to 10.1 Berlin. 🙂
    And as a developer that spends a lot of time switching between Delphi and Visual Studio, thank you very much for enabling to use that TAB key with CodeInsight.
    Keep up the great work.

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