DDevExtensions 2.86 for Delphi 2009-10.3.3

By | May 30, 2020

Due to a performance issue in the TListView implementation (since Delphi 2), the DDevExtension‘s “Find Unit” replacement dialog was slow if your project had a lot of units and you used the filter edit. The new version 2.86 now works around that and as a result filtering becomes almost instantaneous.


  • Improved: The FindUnit/UnitSelector Dialog filter is a lot faster


Name IDE Version File Size Downloads Added
DDevExtensions 1.61 5-2007DDevExtensions161Setup.zip734.07 KB20962 times2009-01-10
DDevExtensions 2.8 Features PDFDDevExtensionsFeatures.pdf602.92 KB18962 times2014-12-27
DDevExtensions 2.4 7, 2007DDevExtensions24Setup7_2007.zip535.41 KB13773 times2011-07-25
DDevExtensions 2.86 2009-10.3DDevExtensions286.7z1.24 MB6701 times2020-05-30
DDevExtensions 2.88 2009-10.4.2DDevExtensions288.7z1.3 MB6456 times2021-07-20