Here is another bugfix unit that fixes another focus bug in Delphi/C++Builder 2007 and 2009.
QC #68740: Lost focus after TOpenDialog when MainFormOnTaskBar is set
CodeCentral download:
Here is another bugfix unit that fixes another focus bug in Delphi/C++Builder 2007 and 2009.
QC #68740: Lost focus after TOpenDialog when MainFormOnTaskBar is set
CodeCentral download:
I have error when compile on D2007
[DCC Error] TaskModalDialogBugFix.pas(85): E2016 Array type required
Thanks in advance
This is now fixed. I became used to Delphi 2009’s pointer arithmetic that works for PByte. But Delphi 2007 doesn’t have this feature.
What’s up with the 2009’s pointer arithmetic? What are the difference between 2k7 and 2k9 ? thx
In Delphi 2009 you can use any pointer and add, substract (, multiply, divide) them. In Delphi 2007 you can do this only with PWideChar, PAnsiChar (PChar). The new feature makes these ugly and dangerous (for 3GB address space) PByte(Integer(ptr) + 10) obsolete.
P, F: PByte;
B: Byte;
Distance: Integer;
F := P;
P := P + 10; <- new Distance := P - F; <- new B := P[10]; <- new end;
Is this IDE fix also available for our applications
“Sometimes the IDE has two taskbar buttons”
I frequently see it after the application has been busy (and showed a progress dialog)
Delphi 2009 fixes this. But for Delphi 2007 I haven’t released a fix unit for the two liner that you can use after your main form is visible:
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
(GetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and not WS_EX_APPWINDOW) or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW);
Thanks Andreas,
I’ve added to the Main Form OnFormShow. As I cannot reproduce the issue consistently I am unable to validate the fix, so is there anywhere I can read about why the solution should work.